
What Quran Says About Masturbation

Explore 'What Quran Says About Masturbation' in this comprehensive article. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, does not explicitly mention masturbation. Islamic teachings on sexual ethics are primarily derived from the Quran


What Quran Says About Masturbation

What Quran Says About Masturbation

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, does not explicitly mention masturbation. Islamic teachings on sexual ethics are primarily derived from the Quran, the Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), and the interpretation of scholars. While there is no direct reference to masturbation in the Quran, scholars have offered interpretations based on broader principles outlined in Islamic teachings.

Islamic scholars generally agree that sexual relations are permissible within the bounds of a lawful marriage. The Quran encourages modesty and self-discipline, and it is interpreted to prohibit engaging in sexual activities outside of marriage. Therefore, some scholars argue that masturbation is not explicitly mentioned but is generally understood to be permissible only within the confines of marriage.

It's important to note that interpretations of Islamic teachings can vary among scholars and within different schools of thought. Some scholars may take a more lenient view, considering masturbation as permissible in certain circumstances, while others may adopt a more conservative stance.

Individual Muslims often consult with religious authorities or scholars for guidance on matters of sexual ethics and personal conduct. Additionally, cultural and regional variations may influence how Islamic teachings are interpreted and applied within different communities. As such, discussions on this topic may involve diverse perspectives within the broader Islamic community. 0 0 0. What Quran Says About Masturbation

You should know: Causes of Masturbation



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